Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini - Latvijas Nacionālais terminoloģijas portāls

Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini

Terminu kolekcijā apkopoti Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini.

Grupa: Valsts valodas centrs

Nozare: Ekonomika. Finanses

value added tax charge on inputs

Konteksts: [..] the percentages fixed by Member states in accordance with paragraph 3 and applied by them in the cases specified in paragraph 5 to enable flat-rate farmers to offset at a fixed rate the value added tax charge on inputs [..]
Avots: 77/388 (EEC): SIXTH COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment

the amount of the total value added tax attaching to the goods and services purchased by all agricultural, forestry and fisheries undertakings of each Member State subject to the flat-rate scheme where such tax would be deductible under Article 17 by a farmer subject to the normal value added tax scheme.
charge de taxe sur la valeur ajoutée en amont
charge globale de TVA grevant les biens et les services achetés par l'ensemble des exploitations agricoles sylvicoles et de pźche de chaque Etat membre soumises au régime
PVN priekšnodokļa summa

Kolekcija: Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini

Nozares:  Ekonomika. Finanses, Ekonomika. Finanses

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