Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini
Terminu kolekcijā apkopoti Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini.
Grupa: Valsts valodas centrs
Nozare: Ekonomika. Finanses
Avots: Council Directive 77/799/EEC of 19 December 1977 concerning mutual assistance by the competent authorities of the Member States in the field of direct taxation
Avots: Commission Directive 93/84/EEC of 30 September 1993 amending Directive 80/723/EEC on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings
Kolekcija: Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini
Nozares: Ekonomika. Finanses, Ekonomika. Finanses