Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie politikas, tiesību un valsts pārvaldes termini
Terminu kolekcijā apkopoti Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie politikas, tiesību un valsts pārvaldes termini.
Grupa: Valsts valodas centrs
Nozare: Politika. Tiesības. Valsts pārvalde
[..] This seems to be the same type of services as 84320. You may buy computer time only. If this is bought from the customer's premises, you at the same time buy telecommunications services. You may also buy data processing or tabulation services from a service bureau. In both cases the services might be time sharing processed. Thus, there is no clear distinction between 84320 and 84330. [..]
CPC references and CPC-explanatory notes to the services of Annexes 1 A and 1 B of Council Directive 92/50/EEC if 18 June 1992 relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts.
Kolekcija: Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie politikas, tiesību un valsts pārvaldes termini
Nozares: Politika. Tiesības. Valsts pārvalde, Politika. Tiesības. Valsts pārvalde