ievedmuitas atmaksa - Latvijas Nacionālais terminoloģijas portāls

Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini

Terminu kolekcijā apkopoti Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini.

Grupa: Valsts valodas centrs

Nozare: Ekonomika. Finanses

Erstattung der Einfuhrzölle
Erstattung der Einfuhrabgaben
repayment of import duties

Konteksts: [..] Repayment of import duties on products listed in Part A of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1898/97 as it existed before entry into force of this Regulation and imported under licences used from 1 July 2000 [..]
Avots: Commission Regulation (EC) No 2072/2000 of 29 September 2000 amending Regulation (EC) No 1898/97 laying down rules of application in the pigmeat sector for the arrangements covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 3066/95 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2698/93 and (EC) No 1590/94 and amending Regulation (EC) No 1585/2000 determining the extent to which applications lodged in July 2000 for import licences for certain pigmeat products under the regime provided for by the Agreements concluded by the Community with the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania can be accepted

remboursement des droits à l'importation
ievedmuitas atmaksa

Kolekcija: Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie ekonomikas un finanšu termini

Nozares:  Ekonomika. Finanses, Ekonomika. Finanses

Veidosim 21. gadsimta latviešu valodu visi kopā.

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