Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie transporta, infrastruktūras un sakaru termini
Terminu kolekcijā apkopoti Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie transporta, infrastruktūras un sakaru termini.
Grupa: Valsts valodas centrs
Nozare: Transports. Infrastruktūra. Sakari
[..] However, for those Member States which experience "arctic conditions" the Summer period covers the period 1 June to 31 August and the vapour pressure must not exceed 70 kPa. Member States are requested to define the Summer period implemented in their territories. [..]
Commission Decision of 18 February 2002 on a common format for the submission of summaries of national fuel quality data (notified under document number C(2002) 508) (2002/159/EC)
Kolekcija: Valsts valodas centra izstrādātie transporta, infrastruktūras un sakaru termini
Nozares: Transports. Infrastruktūra. Sakari, Transports. Infrastruktūra. Sakari